Friday 8 April 2011

Do hormones affect choice of women's clothes?

Do hormones affect choice of women's clothes?

People generally think their choice of women's clothing is dependent on factors such as their taste, how confident they feel, their budget and the occasion they are buying the garments for.

While all of these may play a role, scientists have claimed hormones could also influence such decisions.

A study conducted by a team at the University of Minnesota found that female participants were more likely to select clingy items when they were ovulating.

Published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the findings suggested that consumers' habits were also affected by the proximity of attractive women.

Women who were ovulating and who had seen photos of pretty local women were most likely to opt for ladies fashion items that were 'sexy' compared with those who were shown photographs of unattractive local women or women who lived more than 1,000 miles away.

Study leader Dr Kristina Durante remarked: "The desire for women at peak fertility to unconsciously choose products that enhance appearance is driven by a desire to outdo attractive rival women."

She added that those who appear more attractive - possibly in part due to their choice of women's clothing - are more likely to stand out.

Meanwhile, psychotherapist Dr George Fieldman said: "People are only semi-conscious of the underlying reasons behind the choices they make in the context of buying sexy clothes," the BBC reports.

He went on to state that women do the selecting of mates, but in order to do so, they need a good number of suitors to choose from.

Women keen to purchase garments that show them at their best now have a range of options open to them. As well as perusing items located in high street shops, they can also go online to source them, potentially saving themselves both cash and time in the process.

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